Good upbringing - garnished with Indian Culture, values and respect for elders and bla
But we all grow up
And when we do,
There is phase between
Your parents stop worrying for you and you don’t have to worry for them
And You become parent yourself and need to worry bout your kids
This is the phase I’m in
I have loved enough people
And guess enough have loved me or made me believe they did
Little over the period, everyone learns
‘Love yourself and rest will follow’
So have I learned.
I do see the flaw in it
Perhaps as much as you can
But you see it is going to take time
Oh hell lot of time
Till then I’m just gonna be me.
And perhaps, here is where I’m me
This is my space
I know I didn’t have to fight for it,
Google gave it to me for free
But doesn’t mean anyone can intrude
Words can mean much more than anything and anyone for me in life
But they lose their meaning without space and time parameters
I’m not William Shakespeare or Dante
My words aren’t timeless
They are as mortal as I’m
Without space and time coordinates
These words don’t mean a thing
And I walk the disposable path of time and space
So those coordinates start and end with me
What you read are nothing but tangents to infinity
I can’t stress enough how much appreciate you reading my blogs
I do
Feel free to draw parallels to my tangents, be my guest.
But please don’t try and find the origin
I’m flattered to read a comment on my insane inane ranting
I know every now and then I come up with a good piece,
I do crave for compliment then
Am just human
But I don’t trade explanation in return to compliments or curiosity
You live in same space as I do but
What is real for me isn’t real for u
what we see might be the same but
my feelings are only mine and I don’t owe them
not to you, not to anyone.
what an autobiographical disclaimer!
i saw it first! i saw it first! i saw it first! hehe...loved this...really cool way of saying 'i don't care.' Good going Nachi boy!