Friday, September 28, 2007

Best guys always end up last

I know it is a cliché and all of you have heard this when you ended up broken hearted, you must have told this to your brother in arms over a few shots of vodka and might have consoled your self with this to put your self to sleep. However convenient it may sound, I don't agree. Best guys never end up last because they don't race.

When do you care about finishing last? When you're in a race, when you are embarrassed to finish last, when you're competing against pack of other individuals- you think you might just be able to beat if you gave your best shot. When you fall in love with someone, you aren't running any race, there is no embarrassment in falling in love, you are not competing against anyone, and then there is no question of ending up last. Is there?

It is myth, about being nice and not getting what you wanted. Did we ever think perhaps we didn't deserve it in first place? Perhaps a scar on a face means more in longer run than a plastic smile? Perhaps we didn't go after right thing?  Perhaps that is what is right for us?

When you love someone so much that you are ready to put the other person before you, that is when you come anywhere close to being the best. Although, there is nothing practical about Love, let us try and look at it little practically, maybe more objectively… If you loved someone so much so, that you were afraid that a little too much of leverage of my tongue and I'll end up hurting the person? When most of the things you did had subtle thought of someone influencing them? When you could for once, see future beyond Saturday night? When thought of someone brought smile on your face in the middle of a physics class or during a business meeting? When an empty table and a half filled cup of coffee reminded you of someone?  When you repeated a shirt knowing someone noticed it last time? When you didn't sleep just because of the fight? When that someone asked a world out of you? And eventually when she asked for a friend out of you? Didn't you place it right in her hands? Where does the question of ending last come in?

One never ends up last unless he thinks he was in a race, in a hurry to get somewhere, before something, for something materialistic pleasure. There are no comparisons, no games, no rush, no achievements. It is only when you let go of everything you are free to do anything. Free to fall and let gravity do it's job. 

You lose something, you fall hard and it hurts. But you don't end up last. Life wasn't made to be fair but it feels good to know you played by the rules and held you head high. It hurts even more because, sometimes she doesn't know what she wanted until she got it and she doesn't realize that you deserved her as much as she did until she loses you.

Looking back we tend to think, I did the right thing n she did the right thing. But think again, did u? Might you want to change your perspective? Did I get you thinking? If I did, then why don't you go and do the right thing, it is still not too late.




  1. Very reflective...thoughts swirling around in abstract tangents like swirls of smoke...the theme of belonging recurs in your posts, gives a good enough insight into your mind, or rather, heart. Hope you get what you are looking for...last words; why not write of that memorable past? 'Der goldener zeit im Deutschland' :) it will make for great reading...

  2. Neo - your imagery is good, and you communicate feelings beautifully! More power to you!

  3. profound!!!...but how do you know what the right thing is???? and how are you supposed to react when what you think is right thinks you are wrong???

  4. well, the comment above me is worth a thought....

    neo.... answer it....

    besides, i am not left thinkin....
    and i would suggest, whatever is done is done, think present and maybe future ... not past ...

  5. yeah heartbreak sucks!! it sucks so bad that you just wanna murder ur cubemates and others around you for being so bloody happy all the time, or atleast appearing so.

    kick ass!!

  6. da influence of one ur fav band u2s songs..."i still havent found what am looking for ..."...visible
