Friday, December 14, 2007

Buy it or sell it

I should start my day with a thought, with a helpful
thought…something on the lines 'Customer is a king. No, Customer is
God. God is there and therefore, I'm alive. Therefore, I can have my
bread and butter.' Professional hazard, do you understand?

I'm not all that gray and old but today I stumbled upon a thought,
either we buy it or we are busy selling it. I'm sorry, let me speak
for myself, I'm either buying it or selling it.

May that be my boss - I'm trying to sell the idea of how I'm better,
how I've made difference
May that be dad - I'm convincing of what I've done and what I've not
May that be mom- I'm selling my 'too good to be true' image to get pampered
May that be younger brother - who I wish believed I was his superstar
May that be my girlfriend, I'm begging to - for something
Or apologizing
Or convincing
Or manipulating
May that be my best friend- I'm crying out loud for his company or
moral support

I'm selling

Nothing really happens without a purpose, does it?

Doesn't mean I'm never on the other end…

How often have I said, "such an ass" but I've given into my brother
How often I've known the face behind those plastic masks but I've smiled back
How often have I seen through that sweet innocence but committed the
same mistake
How often have I responded to 'we did this for you and …
How often have I gulped down a deep breath and said 'it is ok. Shit happens'
How often, have I said, 'I understand, you think it is a good idea but
there is no bandwidth for it right now'
How often have I agreed, 'yeah, you are right probably, it is not
going to work out'

Well, one too many times I suppose.

So, do you buy it now? We do things with a motive and otherwise we
react to things done with a motive.

Buy it, not because I'm trying to sell it to you, because it is true.

Gods don't play dice with our lives and we are no saints and there is
nothing called as a coincidence.


P.S. : Please don't buy it, please don't get convinced. I still
believe a smile needs no reason to lighten you day up, a hug doesn't
ask for anything back but two arm and a warm breath on your shoulder,
a child doesn't think twice before it holds your hand, none can love
more selflessly than a mother, there is not a single one proud moment
in a father's life than to see his son settled and…
And when you love someone from the core, you are beyond questions and

Believe me, I'm not sold. Am not compromised. Am not contaminated. I
don't think green. I may not be innocent but I'm not fake. Trust me.


  1. Given or not given, your salesmanship with a catchy caption is truly earnest and the dichotomy of personal equations and cruxes lend it a heady mix of some smiles and some lost smiles, the general feeling of a shaky prayer and a rueful regret notwithstanding!!

  2. "Confessions of a Salesman"... nice one!!!!
