A lot of times we tend to lose track of how exactly did we meet some of these truly exceptional people in our lives for the first time ( now present and ex-lovers are the exceptions)
However, often times, we do remember what was it that really sealed the friendship. Whether it was a drunken stupor, a bet, a challenging time in life ... whatever have you.
In case of Tim, it was a strange text message - "Hey, is it your birthday today as well ?" After the shots at Blue Bird and long life discussion that followed, I knew we shared much more than the day we were born on.
Anyways, it has been three years since. And I met with Tim at a deli in Chicago last weekend.
Tim is one of the most smart, rational(ish), responsible, and what I like to call sorted out (and sought-after) guy. Identify the problem, draw up a plan, then stick to it. Be compassionate, polite, and have fun while at it - kind of a guy.
This meeting was no different than previous ones, in that I shared my challenges, nostalgia, heartaches, and so on & Tim smiled, related to what I was saying, and shared a couple of insights. Like always, our time was brief and we walked up to the blue line.
As it was time to leave, I said, "Everybody loves Tim. I wish I was Tim."
"I wish I was him too," he said, "In the meanwhile, why don't you be you, that I know you to be."