Friday, April 27, 2007






An individual or a bunch of powerful individuals or beings overpowering and violating rights of other individuals or group of individuals with domination, resulting often in aggression, blood shed or mental degradation is perhaps what Violence is.



Violence is yet another natural phenomenon, which as sure as death none can escape.  Charles Darvin talked about survival of the fittest. It implied that someone has to fall a prey to someone. When the discovery channel shows a Cheetah hunting down a deer after a sweaty, dreadful chase it is not looked at as an act of violence. What we all know and recognize as violence is perhaps what happened at Virgina Tech University a few weeks back, someone shot down 32 people, what happened in Iraq, what happens in those shady allies late at night. Violence is phenomenon sparked by bunch of natural feelings, to name a few love, hatred, anger, jealousy, greed, influence, mental instability. All the blood shed and emotional trauma that follows is just the aftermath.



We like to call ourselves the most evolved human beings. However, what we sometime fail to understand is we still can't escape the rules laid down by nature which still control our behaviour and our very being. The more evolved we are the more sophisticated ways of destruction and violence we'll come up with. If someone thrashes someone or shoots him dead or rapes or stalks or tortures someone then perhaps that is the very reason for that persons living. We may find its root in the upbringing of that individual or the circumstances surrounding him. If a dictator is held violent for throwing his subjects into a war then a parent who lays hand on his or her kid is equally violent. We have set up certain guidelines in order to lead a peaceful life on the surface anything and everything that falls on the other side is not accepted. Violence is truth we can't run away from neither can we hide from. Accepting it might make is strong enough to face it.



Perhaps, weapon dealers and gun traffickers are going to inherit the earth while everyone else is busy fighting; only key to survival is never to go to a war with yourself and not to curb your instincts. Because your instincts make you who you are, a Human.





Phobia or Fear


Phobia or Fear


Linguistics has come out with appropriate words to explain human feelings as accurate as they suppose to.  To try and come up with sentences to encapsulate the feelings conveyed by these words and the differences separating shades of afore mentioned words is the central theme of the following write up.



Fear is to be afraid of something. Fear is a strong emotion triggered due to the anticipation of danger.  Degree of this fear may be determined by the severity of the danger. On the other hand Phobia can be defined as an exaggerated fear of some object or situation.  People commonly miss use term Phobia and Fear in place of one another.


As any feeling, fear is a just a feeling. It is up to us to decide how we use this feeling. It can be detriment to some and it can be inspiring to some people. Fear is a very useful human feeling. It can help an individual to push himself harder to achieve his target. A sniper has to have a fear of life to keep him alert, to keep his head down and be on his toes not to get spotted. A runner has to fear the clock in order to beat it. One has to fear the bitterness of failure in order to not loose the sweet taste of success.



Phobia is an excuse we give to avoid certain things that may push us to the limits, to avoid factors that might get us out of our comfort zone. People fear heights, oceans, aircrafts, enclosed elevators, spiral stairs more than they should and they tend to name it Phobia.


Phobia or Fear, certainly there is no choice. Fear that propels one to success should be preferred over any other feeling that may weaken individual. However, all the human beings are not equal. If some are not poor others won't be rich. It is left to us to decide to be a phobic or to be fearful about anything on the surface of this earth.

